Thursday, 2 December 2010

Skoda Yeti Review - Rare Species

 There are SUVs and then there are crossovers. Manufacturers take
pains to point out the differences between the two and tell you why 
one is better than the other (as long as they aren’t making the other). 
Engineers in R&D get into defensive positions when comparisons 
are made, while marketing honchos think offence is the best defence. 
And it’s a battle that doesn’t look like it’s going to end any time soon.

But sometimes, there are vehicles that tread both paths and find a niche 

within a niche. Well, I didn’t know such an ultra-niche existed till the Skoda 
Yeti came along. The Yeti doesn’t look traditional — it even could pass off 
as a slightly extended hatchback on stilts.

How else could one justify its rather compact 4.2 metre length? It even 

has a second row of seats that can not only be moved on its rails in all 
four directions, they can even be removed completely to create space for 
a pair of baby elephants. The Skoda Yeti then could probably be called 
the most interesting vehicle on sale this year, but is it the best? Let’s go find out. 

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